  • Who
  • What
  • Where
  • When
  • Why
  • How
  • Who is TEAM?

    TEAM (The Electronic Auction Market) is owned and operated by The Calgary Stockyards. The Calgary Stockyards have been marketing cattle through TEAM since 1986.

    TEAM operated on a closed network between the years of 1986 and 2002. In August of 2002, TEAM made the transition from the old closed network to the Internet, opening TEAM Auction Sales to the World. All TEAM Auction Sales take place on the Internet today.

    To date, TEAM has marketed more than 4,000,000 head of cattle.

    Would you like to contact TEAM?

  • What is TEAM?

    TEAM - The Electronic Auction Market is an online, interactive marketplace that brings cattle buyers and sellers together through the power of the Internet. TEAM is a real-time cattle auction with multiple sales weekly.

    TEAM sells Finished Cattle, Feeder Cattle and holds Special Sales and Video Broadcasts several times a week. Special Sales are held for marketing agriculture-related products and services. Video broadcasts stream live video and audio from live auctions and events.

    TEAM provides buyers and sellers with instant access to one another via the Internet. TEAM provides maximum exposure to cattle being sold, resulting in maximum dollars for the cattle.

    Open your sale to the world using TEAM's Special Sales and Video Broadcast service. TEAM has the ability to hold Special Sales both online, and in conjunction with live sales. Broadcast your sale to the world via TEAM, we will broadcast your auction or event as it is happening. Call today for further information.

  • Where are TEAM Sales Held?

    TEAM sales take place in the comfort of your home or office! We bring the auction to you via the Internet.

    Just login, sit back and enjoy participating in our online cattle auction.

  • When are TEAM Sales Held?

    TEAM has the ability to hold any sale, any time, on short notice.

    Click here for TEAM schedule

    Multiple auctions weekly give TEAM a huge competitive advantage. The cattle seller and buyer are able to react to the ever-changing market conditions and make well-informed buying and selling decisions in a manner timely to these market fluctuations.

  • Why Use TEAM?

    Cattle marketed through TEAM go directly from seller to buyer. This superior method of marketing cattle ensures that cattle are exposed to as little stress, sickness and shrinkage as possible. Not to mention keeping transportation costs to a minimum.

    Most cattle marketed through TEAM are sold FOB the seller's location. There are no transportation costs for the seller! This is one example of how TEAM can lower the costs associated with marketing cattle, and increase your bottom line.

    Because TEAM sales take place over the Internet, anyone with Internet access, anywhere in the world can participate in TEAM auctions. This brings maximum exposure to a seller's cattle, while giving the buyer access to cattle that they need within the comfort of their home or office.

    Buyer support is always critical in ensuring that cattle bring maximum dollar. Using the power of the Internet, TEAM brings buyers from across the world to our auctions to bid on, and compete for, your cattle.

    Multiple auctions weekly gives TEAM a huge competitive advantage. The cattle seller and buyer can react to the ever-changing market conditions, making buying and selling decisions in a manner timely to these fluctuations.

    When marketing finished or feeder cattle through TEAM, consignors have the option to accept or reject the final bid, placing more control in the hands of the consignor.

    TEAM Special Sales and Video Broadcasts can be held in conjunction with live sales and events. TEAM can offer the addition of the online bid to the live bid. Can't make it to the auction in person? Let TEAM bring it to you!

    Add it all up, and you have the superior way to buy and sell cattle.

  • How do I participate in TEAM Online Auctions?

    • Register online with TEAM - It's Free! This will allow you access to TEAM online auctions and all portions of the TEAM website.
    • Start participating in TEAM online auctions to get familiar with the system.
    • Contact TEAM with any questions that you have, we will be happy to answer them.

    Looking to sell?

    1. Contact TEAM.
    2. A qualified TEAM Agent will look at and take a description and digital photos of your cattle.
    3. Your TEAM Agent will submit your cattle listing (online) for an upcoming TEAM sale.
    4. Potential buyers will preview your cattle on the TEAM website prior to the TEAM online auction that your cattle will be offered in.
    5. Your cattle will be auctioned online at sale time.
    6. When the bidding has ended on your cattle, TEAM will contact you online or by phone to see if the final bid is acceptable to you.
    7. If the bid is acceptable, your cattle are sold. We'll take care of the rest.

    Looking to buy?

    1. Register online with TEAM as a bidder.
    2. A TEAM administrator will perform a credit check based on the information that you provide during registration.
    3. You will be approved for bidding within 3 working days, and notified of your approval via the email address that you provide during registration.
    4. Login and start bidding on the cattle you want during TEAM online auctions.
    5. If you are the high bidder on a lot, and the bid is accepted by the consignor, you own the cattle.
    6. TEAM will work with you on the after sale details.

    Please contact TEAM if you have any further questions about how TEAM works.