

Auction Details

TEAM Feeder Cattle Sale - 9:00 AM MDT
Direct sale offering feeder cattle! *FEATURING FALL DELIVERY CALVES*

SALE ORDER FINAL. 9,201 head on offer!

Consignors include Leitch Livestock, New Elm Farming Co., Anderson River Ranching, Skocdopole Ranches 94 Ltd., DJC Ranch, Tony Groenewoud, Frolek Cattle Co., C.O. Johnson & Sons Ranches, Ray Torkelson, 2J Stock Farms, Bruce & Judy Dickson, Fogle Farms, Dennis Bjelland, Valley View Ranch, EMDE Land & Cattle, S-S Ranch, RL7 Ranches, Nathan Pelleboer, Jason & Jenna Packer, Rocky Meadows Ranch, Rocky Lake Ranch, Franklin Cattle Co., Barriere Area Ranches, Benedict Ranch, Bugaboo Ranch, Kingsclere Ranch, Ron Holmes, Mullin Ranch, Darcy, Colton & Blake Reinhardt, Scott & Gail Sapergia, F Nester Ranching, Goldridge Farming Co., Jeff Smith, Tom Jackson, Bar 15 Ranch Ltd., Jean Lamson, Johnson’s Hwy 36 Farm, Box T Ranch, Carl Huvenaars, Foxwood Farms, Riverview Ranch Ltd., Wildcat Cattle Co. Ltd., and more!
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