Veterinary Work: | Bovi-Shield Gold One Shot, Tasvax 8, LongRange, knife cut w/Meloxicam |
Implants: | Synovex |
Bid Basis: | FOB JGL Yard (Moose Jaw) |
Price Slide: | .30 |
Feeding Program: | Native grass & mother's milk |
Weigh Location: | JGL Yard (Moose Jaw) |
Weigh Conditions: | Gather, sort, haul to JGL & weigh off truck less 3% |
Delivery: | October 28th - 30th |
General Comments: | Nice load of steers that will perform! Reputation ranch. Top sort of 175 steers picked up at JGL on HWY #1! +/- with sort. Have a look at the pictures! |