Veterinary Work: | Full vaccination: Vista Once SQ, Vision 8 Somnus w/Spur |
Age Verified: | AV, BIX enrolled & VBP+ certified |
Implants: | No |
Bid Basis: | FOB Ranch |
Price Slide: | .15 |
Feeding Program: | Grass |
Weigh Location: | Ranch ground scale |
Weigh Conditions: | 4% AM |
Delivery: | October 28th - November 1st |
General Comments: | The majority of these heifers are home-raised; the remainder were purchased in the spring directly from a neighbor (A8 Ranch) that uses the same health protocols and similar genetics program. These are exceptional quality heifers straight off the grass! The majority of these heifers were on the pasture and not exposed to bulls. There is a small percentage of heifers that were vet preg-tested open from the breeding program (tested October 8th). These cattle have a quiet disposition. The cattle were individually weighed and sorted into packages based on weight and quality. The red heifers are equal to the blacks in frame and quality. |